An so einem regnerischen Tag wie heute über Farben zu schreiben ist gar nicht so einfach. Wenn man sich einen Augenblick ans Fenster stellt, um hinauszusehen, wirkt alles überwiegend grau und trist. Das Wetter macht es einem schwer an Muster, Farben und „Andersartigkeit“ zu denken. Aber genau damit assoziieren viele das spanische Label Desigual. Im kalten Berlin sind bunte Farben ja eher eine Ausnahme. Umso interessanter ist es, dass mittlerweile 8 Desigual Stores in der Hauptstadt vorzufinden sind - und mindestens genauso viele Berlinerinnen und Berliner aller Altersstufen, die mit den bunten Designs der Firma durch die Stadt...
03:57Hallo meine Lieben. Ich habe vor kurzem spontan entschieden wieder einige Artikel auf Deutsch zu v...
Hallo meine Lieben. Ich habe vor kurzem spontan entschieden wieder einige Artikel auf Deutsch zu verfassen. Das liegt zum Großteil daran, dass ich in den letzten Wochen kaum (ok, sind wir ehrlich... gar keine) Artikel verfasst habe. Ich habe kürzlich einen Artikel über Sportwetten gefunden, also habe ich beschlossen, einen Artikel zu schreiben, der die besten Sportwetten auflistet, mit denen Benutzer wettanbieter vergleich vergleichen können Finden Sie zuverlässige Websites, um auf ihre Lieblingssportarten zu wetten. Ich bin jetzt offiziell fertig mit der Schule und das bedeutet leider auch, dass ich nicht mehr so viel Englisch spreche, wie ich es gewohnt bin. Es kostet mich mittlerweile einige Mühe die Posts auf Englisch zu schreiben (auch wenn ich noch immer der Meinung bin, mich besser in English ausdrücken zu können...leider ist es auch zeitaufwendiger). Die Lösung? Ein Mix aus beidem. Klingt blöd, ist es vielleicht auch. Aber es wird mich ermutigen wieder ein bisschen aktiver zu sein. Ich habe im letzten Jahr so viel Arbeit und Energie in diesen Blog gesteckt, dass es natürlich schade wäre, wenn ich keine Zeit/Motivation mehr finde, um produktiv zu sein. Besonders weil ich trotzdem fleißig weiter gearbeitet habe. Eines dieser Projekte möchte ich euch heute gerne zeigen. Zusammen mit Bold habe ich eine kleine Kooperation mit Samsoe Samsoe und Casio gestartet. Auch wenn das Wetter in Berlin nicht mehr so mitmacht, haben wir (manchmal) wirklich schönes Wetter. An einem dieser schönen Tage habe ich zusammen mit der talentierten Celine von @celineiam und Sylvia von @beauteenvue (Instagram) die Sonne genutzt, um ein paar Bilder zu machen.
Hey there! You can see that this article is written in German as well. You guys might have noticed that I haven't been as active lately. Why? School is officially over and I don't speak as much English as I (am) used to. Since writing the articles in English takes waaay longer then to author them in German, I decided to do it both ways. That sounds silly? Yes, maybe it is, but if it helps me to be more active/productive I will try to make it work :) I just feel like it is "easier" to simply translate the texts after writing them instead of noting down a complete (new) article in English. But anyways... Even though I haven't been as active in sharing my projects on the blog (haha, you guys should check out my Instagram) I still took my time off to work on a couple of new projects. One of them is an exciting new cooperation with the brands Samsoe Samsoe and Casio. We don't have the "perfect" weather in Berlin, but sometimes it can be pretty nice over here. On one of those beautiful days the talented photographer @celineiam, the make-up artist @beauteenvue and I decided to benefit from the good weather by going out and taking some pictures. Check out our outcome (and of course their awesome Instagram profiles!)
Hey there! You can see that this article is written in German as well. You guys might have noticed that I haven't been as active lately. Why? School is officially over and I don't speak as much English as I (am) used to. Since writing the articles in English takes waaay longer then to author them in German, I decided to do it both ways. That sounds silly? Yes, maybe it is, but if it helps me to be more active/productive I will try to make it work :) I just feel like it is "easier" to simply translate the texts after writing them instead of noting down a complete (new) article in English. But anyways... Even though I haven't been as active in sharing my projects on the blog (haha, you guys should check out my Instagram) I still took my time off to work on a couple of new projects. One of them is an exciting new cooperation with the brands Samsoe Samsoe and Casio. We don't have the "perfect" weather in Berlin, but sometimes it can be pretty nice over here. On one of those beautiful days the talented photographer @celineiam, the make-up artist @beauteenvue and I decided to benefit from the good weather by going out and taking some pictures. Check out our outcome (and of course their awesome Instagram profiles!)
04:34The last couple of days have been so beautiful and sunny that I feel like today might be a great o...
The last couple of days have been so beautiful and sunny that I feel like today might be a great opportunity to tell you about the Mint & Berry Flower market that I've been to a couple of weeks ago. Berlin is currently 30 degrees hot and I wish that there would be a place just as filled with flowers as the flower market to enjoy. It was truly beautiful as you can see in the pictures. To tell the truth, I was close to not attending, but my friend Nessie and the good reputation of the event...
01:26I hope you guys are having a nice start into the weekend. Today I would love to share an event wit...
I hope you guys are having a nice start into the weekend. Today I would love to share an event with you guys that I've been to a couple of weeks ago. The brand Diamant released their newest creation the Juna+ E-bike in Berlin. The party took place at the all-known music hotel NHow that I've always been a fan of. It is a really individual place with an exceptional concept (and you should take a moment to Google it, just a little tip from a Berliner..) The guests had the chance to join a bike tour around the trendy Friedrichshein neighbourhood before the brand ambassador Guido Maria Kretschmer gave a short speech to the audience. The booming demand for e-bikes and their use is increasing, and their stock price is also skyrocketed recently. Through best stock apps 2022, it's possible for anyone to trade stocks based on the highest demand shares. Sadly, I missed the bike tour (and I have to admit that I did regret it after Nelly told me about the fun time she had, riding the bike and discovering new corners of our beloved city). The brand Diamant manufactures bikes "Made in Germany" since 1885, which is pretty special and I have to admit not cheap. However, if you consider the work process, you end up realizing that they actually have a reasonable price.
Furthermore, I have to admit that we had to leave the event a bit early as we planned to attend the opening of the Dandy Diner fast-food restaurant. However, we did regret it in the end...when we reached the location we had to realize that there was no way to get anywhere close to the doors. Whatsoever. I mean, who would have expected that the place would be so crowded that the police had to show up? Believe me I did not. But if you really think about it.. the boys from Dandy Diary are known for their crazy parties all around town. Anyway, we missed the Press presentation at 6pm and when we arrived at the location around 8 o'clock it was impossible to see anything. That's when we decided to go for dinner somewhere else. Haha, just a funny anecdote at the end : When I woke up the next morning, even my mom knew that the opening escalated as the information was all over the news.
Furthermore, I have to admit that we had to leave the event a bit early as we planned to attend the opening of the Dandy Diner fast-food restaurant. However, we did regret it in the end...when we reached the location we had to realize that there was no way to get anywhere close to the doors. Whatsoever. I mean, who would have expected that the place would be so crowded that the police had to show up? Believe me I did not. But if you really think about it.. the boys from Dandy Diary are known for their crazy parties all around town. Anyway, we missed the Press presentation at 6pm and when we arrived at the location around 8 o'clock it was impossible to see anything. That's when we decided to go for dinner somewhere else. Haha, just a funny anecdote at the end : When I woke up the next morning, even my mom knew that the opening escalated as the information was all over the news.
11:50Real. What is real and what is not? Love is real. Real is friendship and real are the people tha...
Real. What is real and what is not? Love is real. Real is friendship and real are the people that stand behind you no matter how things are going. I really don’t know why I feel so weird lately - things need to be so ,,profound” recently. I am officially done with school and I feel like there is a certain sense of (maybe) ,,change” in the air. But a step forward always means dealing with your past as well. It makes you contemplate on all the moments that brought you to where you stand now. But where...
10:16Hello guys! I am just so happy to be productive again! I've been so busy preparing for my exam...
Hello guys! I am just so happy to be productive again! I've been so busy preparing for my exams lately that I haven't been active on any social media accounts for quite awhile. But enough of that! Today, I received a pretty great Lookbook that I'd love to share with you guys. I assume that many of you have recognized the Australian supermodel Abbey Lee Kershaw on the pictures? She has been all around the news since she became the face of the "Flora by Gucci" scent in 2009. Since then she has been on the covers of...